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I was raised in the "Hoover" era. we were all sick of his bullshit. At least this is an excellent game, so thank you!


I've played this game, after receiving a notification via email a few hours ago... And for me... Hm... I don't know, but as someone whose not knowing much about America history, and not a native of America, this game feels... super confusing. You can watch my VODs here ( Thank you, and sorry... Probably this game is not for me... 😢


Great game, I learned a lot about J.Hoover.

(1 edit) (+5)

Is the game good ? Yes.

How much ? A lot.

It's the kind of game that i wanna play fully from the very start to the very end.

I haven't bought it yet.(Cause i don't have a salary,still living at parents home at my age and don't wanna ask them lot of things.)

But i'll do it soon.

There are a lot of interesting situtuations that you'll have to get rid : This reinforces the immersion a lot like the fact that this game features historic events.

You can either take a lot of time to micro-manage everything(The best in term of immersion),or if you have less time patience or whatsoever you can then occupy of the mos important things.

And the full steam version is largely worth its price and the developper (with who i talked a few wants to add more content and he's open to suggestions and help (for example to write the liners in the game).

It's also a good way to know about the geography of the States of the United States.

I say thanks to Maestro Cinetik.


FYI, if for some reason you haven't managed to acquire the game yet, it's free for the next few days.


Great !